Does Haiyan provide EXW for cylinder ignition coil ?
Haiyan aijian Co., Ltd.offers several types of pricing, including EXW. If you choose EXW, you agree to purchase products that are responsible for shipping related expenses, including door transfers and export permits. Of course, you will get a cheaper product when you buy EXW, but because you are responsible for the entire transportation, your shipping costs will increase. We will clarify the terms and conditions immediately at the beginning of the negotiations and get all the content in writing, so there is no doubt about what has been agreed.

After experiencing the cruel market competition, Haiyan has grown into a mature enterprise that excels in manufacturing engine coil. Haiyan's main products include best tool cabinet series. This Haiyanengine coil is composed of functional grade materials. Competitively priced, the product is widely used by people from various fields.

Being a responsible corporate citizen is an integral part of sustainable business growth and long-term success for us. We have been involved in various projects such as Education Sponsorship for Underprivileged.
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