Is Haiyan an OBM?
Haiyan aijian Co., Ltd.has some items under our own brand name in order to add value. For these parts of ignition coil pack , we are responsible for everything including the production and development, supply chain, delivery and the marketing. Our company is a noteworthy concern engaged in the production of world class products and provide customized service. Our uncompromising attitude towards producing the highest quality products for our customers has helped us in building a strong foothold in the domestic as well as global markets.

With deepest appreciation in mind of supports from customers, Haiyan is one of the biggest manufactures of industrial hardware in the world. Haiyan's main products include best tool cabinet series. Haiyanhardware fittings is made of high quality raw materials that are well selected from suppliers. With a remarkable economic return, the product is considered as the most promising product in the market.

In our company, we aim for a sustainable future. We take responsibility for the safety and health of our employees, customers, and the protection of the environment.
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