
Common Signs of a Failing Ignition Coil: What to Look Out For

by:Haiyan     2023-10-21

Common Signs of a Failing Ignition Coil: What to Look Out For


The ignition coil is a vital component of a vehicle's ignition system. It is responsible for converting the low voltage of a car's battery into the high voltage needed to ignite the fuel and start the engine. Without a properly functioning ignition coil, a vehicle can experience a range of problems and may even fail to start. In this article, we will explore the common signs of a failing ignition coil to help you identify and address the issue promptly.

Engine Misfires and Rough Idle

One of the most noticeable signs of a failing ignition coil is engine misfires or a rough idle. When an ignition coil begins to fail, it can no longer provide consistent electrical current to the spark plugs. Consequently, the sparks produced may be weak or uneven, leading to misfires. Misfires can result in a lack of power, a sputtering engine, and even a shaking sensation while driving. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is important to have your ignition coil checked.

Decreased Fuel Efficiency

A failing ignition coil can also impact your vehicle's fuel efficiency. When the coil is not functioning properly, it can cause an incomplete combustion process. This means that fuel is not efficiently burned, leading to wasted energy and decreased mileage. If you notice that your car is using more fuel than usual or that you are frequently visiting the gas station, a failing ignition coil could be to blame.

Difficulty Starting the Engine

Starting your car should be a smooth and effortless process. However, if you find yourself struggling to start the engine, it could indicate a failing ignition coil. When an ignition coil is faulty, it may not provide the necessary spark to ignite the fuel, preventing the engine from starting altogether. You may experience a prolonged cranking time or hear a clicking sound when you turn the key. If starting your vehicle becomes a challenge, it is essential to have your ignition coil inspected by a professional.

Stalling or Poor Performance

A deteriorating ignition coil can cause your vehicle to stall, especially during acceleration or when idling. As the coil fails, it becomes increasingly unreliable in delivering the necessary voltage to the spark plugs. This leads to erratic engine performance, including sudden stalling or a noticeable drop in power. If you notice your car struggling to maintain a consistent speed or experiencing frequent stalls, it is crucial to have the ignition coil examined and replaced if necessary.

Backfiring and Increased Emissions

If your vehicle starts to backfire or emit thick black smoke from the exhaust, it is a clear indication of a failing ignition coil. When the coil generates a weak spark, the unburned fuel can enter the exhaust system and ignite, resulting in a loud bang or pop known as a backfire. Additionally, a failing ignition coil may cause an imbalance in the air-fuel mixture, leading to increased emissions. If you notice any of these signs, it is essential to address the issue promptly to avoid further damage to your vehicle and to reduce environmental pollution.


The ignition coil plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of a vehicle's ignition system. Recognizing the common signs of a failing ignition coil can help you identify and address the issue before it leads to more significant problems. If you experience engine misfires, rough idling, decreased fuel efficiency, difficulty starting the engine, stalling, backfiring, or increased emissions, it is important to have your ignition coil inspected by a qualified technician. Timely diagnosis and replacement of a failing ignition coil can save you from costly repairs and ensure the smooth operation of your vehicle.

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